Getting started: single-particle tracking

This page describes the basic usage of Xsuite to perform tracking simulations. Instructions on how to install Xsuite are provided in the dedicated installation page.

A simple example

A simple tracking simulation can be configured and executed with the following python code. More details on the different steps will be discussed in the following section.

import numpy as np

import xobjects as xo
import xtrack as xt
import xpart as xp

## Generate a simple line
line = xt.Line(
              xt.Multipole(knl=[0, 1.], ksl=[0,0]),
              xt.Multipole(knl=[0, -1.], ksl=[0,0])],
    element_names=['drift_0', 'quad_0', 'drift_1', 'quad_1'])

## Attach a reference particle to the line (optional)
## (defines the reference mass, charge and energy)
line.particle_ref = xp.Particles(p0c=6500e9, #eV
                                 q0=1, mass0=xp.PROTON_MASS_EV)

## Choose a context
context = xo.ContextCpu()         # For CPU
# context = xo.ContextCupy()      # For CUDA GPUs
# context = xo.ContextPyopencl()  # For OpenCL GPUs

## Transfer lattice on context and compile tracking code
tracker = line.build_tracker(_context=context)

## Build particle object on context
n_part = 200
particles = xp.Particles(p0c=6500e9, #eV
                        q0=1, mass0=xp.PROTON_MASS_EV,
                        x=np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, n_part),
                        px=np.random.uniform(-1e-5, 1e-5, n_part),
                        y=np.random.uniform(-2e-3, 2e-3, n_part),
                        py=np.random.uniform(-3e-5, 3e-5, n_part),
                        zeta=np.random.uniform(-1e-2, 1e-2, n_part),
                        delta=np.random.uniform(-1e-4, 1e-4, n_part),

## Track (saving turn-by-turn data)
n_turns = 100
tracker.track(particles, num_turns=n_turns,

## Turn-by-turn data is available at:
# etc...

Step-by-step description

In this sections we will discuss in some more detail the different steps outlined in the example above.

Getting the machine model

The first step to perform a tracking simulation consists in creating or importing the lattice description of a ring or a beam line.

This is done with the Line class, which allows:

  • creating a lattice directly in python script

  • importing the lattice from a MAD-X model

  • importing the lattice from a set of Sixtrack input files (fort.2, fort.3, etc.)

These three options will be briefly described in the following.

Lattice definition in python

The lattice can be created from a list of elements:

import xtrack as xt

# From a list of elements:
line = xt.Line(
              xt.Multipole(knl=[0, 1.], ksl=[0,0]),
              xt.Multipole(knl=[0, -1.], ksl=[0,0])],
    element_names=['drift_0', 'quad_0', 'drift_1', 'quad_1'])

Or it can be created from a sequence definition (a list of nodes). This allows to place elements with respect to each other and to re-use element and sub-sequence definitions by name. Drifts will be inserted as needed when the line is created:

import numpy as np
from xtrack import Line, Node, Multipole

# Or from a sequence definition:
elements = {
    'quad': Multipole(length=0.3, knl=[0, +0.50]),
    'bend': Multipole(length=0.5, knl=[np.pi / 12], hxl=[np.pi / 12]),
sequences = {
    'arc': [Node(1.0, 'quad'), Node(4.0, 'bend', from_='quad')],
line = Line.from_sequence([
        Node( 0.0, 'arc'),
        Node(10.0, 'arc', name='section2'),
        Node( 3.0, Multipole(knl=[0, 0, 0.1]), from_='section2', name='sext'),
        Node( 3.0, 'quad', name='quad_5', from_='sext'),
    ], length=20,
    elements=elements, sequences=sequences,
    auto_reorder=True, copy_elements=False,

The lattice can be manipulated in python after its creation. For example we can change the strength of the first quadrupole as follows:

line['quad_0'].knl[1] = 2.

Importing a MAD-X lattice

Xtrack can import a MAD-X lattice using the cpymad interface of MAD-X.

Assuming that we have a MAD-X script called myscript.madx that creates and manipulates (e.g. matches) a thin sequence called “lhcb1”, we can execute the script using cpymad and import transform the sequence into and Xtrack Line object using the following instructions:

import xtrack as xt
from cpymad.madx import Madx

mad = Madx()"mad/lhcwbb.seq")

line = xt.Line.from_madx_sequence(mad.sequence['lhcb1'])

Importing lattice from sixtrack input

Xtrack can import a lattice from a set of sixtrack input files using the sixtracktools package.

Assuming that we have a sixtrack input files (fort.2, fort.3, etc.) in a folder called sixtrackfiles we can import the lattice using the following instructions:

import xtrack as xt
import sixtracktools as st

sixinput = st.sixinput('./sixtrackfiles')

line = sixinput.generate_xtrack_line()

Once a Xtrack lattice is available, it can be used to track particles CPU or GPU.

Note: the generation of xtrack lines from sixtrack input is used mainly for testing and is not guaranteed to work correcly for any sixtrack input.

Define reference particle

A reference particle can be associated to the line and is used to define the reference mass, charge and energy when generating other particle sets or when performing other calculation (e.g. computing twiss parameters, compensating the energy loss, etc.). The reference particle can be defined as follows:

line.particle_ref = xp.Particles(p0c=6500e9, #eV
                                 q0=1, mass0=xp.PROTON_MASS_EV)

Create a Context (CPU or GPU)

To run tracking simulations with the created lattice, we need to choose the hardware on which the simulation will run as xsuite can run on different kinds of hardware (CPUs and GPUs). The user selects the hardware to be used by creating a context object, that is then passed to all other Xsuite components.

To run on conventional CPUs you need the context is created with the following instructions:

import xobjects as xo
context = xo.ContextCpu()

Similarly to run on GPUs using cupy or pyopenl you can use one of the following:

context = xo.ContextCupy()
context = xo.ContextPyopencl()

Create an Xtrack tracker object

An Xtrack tracker object needs to be created to track particles on the chosen computing platform (defined by the context) using the Xtrack line created or imported as described above:

import xtrack as xt
tracker = line.build_tracker(_context=context)

This step transfers the machine model to the required platform and compiles the required tracking code.

Generate particles to be tracked

The particles to be tracked can be allocated on the chosen platform using the the Particles class (in this example particle coordinates are randomly generated):

## Build particle object on context
n_part = 200
particles = xp.Particles(p0c=6500e9, #eV
                        q0=1, ,mass0=xp.PROTON_MASS_EV,
                        x=np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, n_part),
                        px=np.random.uniform(-1e-5, 1e-5, n_part),
                        y=np.random.uniform(-2e-3, 2e-3, n_part),
                        py=np.random.uniform(-3e-5, 3e-5, n_part),
                        zeta=np.random.uniform(-1e-2, 1e-2, n_part),
                        delta=np.random.uniform(-1e-4, 1e-4, n_part))

If a reference particle has been associated to the line, the particles can be also generated using the build_particles method of the tracker

## Build particle object on context
n_part = 200
particles = tracker.build_particles(
                        x=np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, n_part),
                        px=np.random.uniform(-1e-5, 1e-5, n_part),
                        y=np.random.uniform(-2e-3, 2e-3, n_part),
                        py=np.random.uniform(-3e-5, 3e-5, n_part),
                        zeta=np.random.uniform(-1e-2, 1e-2, n_part),
                        delta=np.random.uniform(-1e-4, 1e-4, n_part))
# Reference mass, charge, energy are taken from the reference particle.
# Particles are allocated on the context chosen for the tracker.

The coordinates of the particle object are accessible with the conventional python syntax. For example to access the x coordinate of the particle 20, one can use the following instruction:


Track particles

The tracker object can now be used to track the generated particles over the specified lattice for an arbitrary number of turns:

num_turns = 100
tracker.track(particles, num_turns=num_turns)

This returns the particles state after 100 revolutions over the lattice.

Record turn-by-turn data

Optionally the particles coordinates can be saved at each turn. This feature can be activated when calling the tracking method:

n_turns = 100
tracker.track(particles, num_turns=n_turns,

The data can be retrieved as follows:

tracker.record_last_track.x # Shape is (n_part, n_turns)
# etc...