
The acceleration can be simulated by adding to the line the element xtrack.ReferenceEnergyIncrease as illustrated by the following example.

import json
import numpy as np

import xobjects as xo
import xpart as xp
import xtrack as xt

Delta_p0c = 450e9/10*23e-6 # ramp rate 450GeV/10s

fname_line = ('../../test_data/sps_w_spacecharge/'

with open(fname_line, 'r') as fid:
     input_data = json.load(fid)
line = xt.Line.from_dict(input_data['line'])

energy_increase = xt.ReferenceEnergyIncrease(Delta_p0c=Delta_p0c)
line.append_element(energy_increase, 'energy_increase')

tracker = line.build_tracker()

particles = xp.Particles(p0c=26e9, zeta=np.linspace(-1, 1, 40))

tracker.track(particles, num_turns=500, turn_by_turn_monitor=True)

Particles motion in the longitudinal phase space as obtained from the simulation above. See the full code generating the image.