Fast lattice changes

Changes to beam line parameters can be applied using the python interface. For example to change the strength of a quadrupole one can use the following.

line['myquad'].knl[1] = 0.5

This approach works well when the change is applied to a small number of elements, but can introduce a significant overhead on the simulation time when the number of changes is very large. For these cases it is possible to use an xtrack.MultiSetter to perform the changes in a more efficient way. The MultiSetter stores the memory addresses of the quantities to be changed and performs the changes with a single compiled kernel, using multithreading when allowed by the context.

The following example shows how to use the MultiSetter to apply a sinusoidal ripple to the strength of several quadropoles of a synchrotron.

import numpy as np
from cpymad.madx import Madx

import xobjects as xo
import xtrack as xt
import xpart as xp

# Choose a context
ctx = xo.ContextCpu()

# Import SPS lattice and build a tracker
mad = Madx()
seq_name = 'sps''../../test_data/sps_w_spacecharge/sps_thin.seq')
madtw = mad.twiss()

line = xt.Line.from_madx_sequence(mad.sequence[seq_name])
line.particle_ref = xp.Particles(p0c=400e9, mass0=xp.PROTON_MASS_EV)
tracker = line.build_tracker(_context=ctx)

# Switch on RF and twiss
line['acta.31637'].voltage = 7e9
line['acta.31637'].lag = 180.
twxt = tracker.twiss()

# Get revolution period
T_rev = twxt['T_rev']

# Extract list of elements to trim (all focusing quads)
elements_to_trim = [nn for nn in line.element_names if nn.startswith('qf.')]
# => contains ['qf.52010', 'qf.52210', 'qf.52410', 'qf.52610', 'qf.52810',
#              'qf.53010', 'qf.53210', 'qf.53410', 'qf.60010', 'qf.60210', ...]

# Build a custom setter
qf_setter = xt.MultiSetter(tracker, elements_to_trim,
                            field='knl', index=1 # we want to change knl[1]

# Get the initial values of the quad strength
k1l_0 = qf_setter.get_values()

# Generate particles to be tracked
# (we choose to match the distribution without accounting for spacecharge)
particles = xp.generate_matched_gaussian_bunch(_context=ctx,
         num_particles=100, total_intensity_particles=1e10,
         nemitt_x=3e-6, nemitt_y=3e-6, sigma_z=15e-2,

# Define amplitude and phase of the quadrupole ripple
f_quad = 50. # Hz
A_quad = 0.01 # relative amplitude

# Track the particles and apply turn-by-turn change to all selected quads
num_turns = 2000

check_trim  = []

for ii in range(num_turns):
    if ii % 100 == 0: print(f'Turn {ii} of {num_turns}')

    # Change the strength of the quads
    k1l = k1l_0 * (1 + A_quad * np.sin(2*np.pi*f_quad*ii*T_rev))

    # Track one turn

    # Log the strength of one quad to check

# Plot the evolution of the quad strength
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt